About Us

About Us

At FORTOK, we simply love designer bags and are dedicated to sharing high-quality, affordable replicas with the world.

We understand that owning an authentic luxury designer handbag, such as Louis Vuitton or Hermes, is a dream for many bag lovers, with prices reaching thousands of dollars. We also know that many fake bags are sold at the same price as real ones and that cheap knockoffs found at street markets don't even resemble luxury bags. These imitations are often made with poor materials and dull metal hardware.

For bag lovers, it can be a nightmare to find a bag with a high performance-cost ratio. At FORTOK, we pride ourselves on replicating authentic designer bags to mirror-image quality. Our skilled artisans meticulously craft each bag, replicating every detail of the originals, which we purchase from authentic designer boutiques.

We have been sharing high-quality designer bags with friends around the world. If you'd like to join our international client list, browse our website at fortok.ru and find the luxury bag you wish to purchase. It will be with you in a matter of days.

Thank you for joining us!

Fortok Team

[email protected]